Walt Disney World® for Travel Advisors
Disneytravelagents.com is your resource for Disney Parks news, booking Disney vacations, training opportunities, marketing tools and more. This trusted communication tool makes it convenient for our valued Travel Advisors and clients in the U.S. to access the latest information about Disney products, offers, itineraries, excursions, photography, news and more. U.S. Travel Advisors have to complete the training program to obtain park tickets. The training program provides you with the tools and resources you need to serve as the Disney experts for your Clients.
Please see information for International travel agents below:
- Canada requires the travel advisor to complete a training program to be eligible for tickets. Please see the websites below for more information.
- Canada (English): Disneytravelagents.ca
- Canada (French): Disneyagentsdevoyages.ca
- Travel advisors in Germany have to go through an approval process when requesting tickets. Please see Disneytravelagents.de for more information.
- For Australia and Latin America it will be a requirement to complete a training program in the near future. For now, agents have to go through an approval process to obtain tickets. More information is available on the websites below.
- Australia: Disneytravelagents.com.au
- Latin America (Spanish language): Disneyagentesdeviajes.com
- Latin America Brazil (Portuguese language): Disneyagentesdeviagens.com.br
- The UK is no longer offering discounted or complimentary tickets for travel advisors. Please see Disneytravelagents.co.uk for more information.