Visit Orlando and GDPR: Our Commitment to Data Privacy
Visit Orlando is committed to complying with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which is designed to give European Union (EU) citizens heightened levels of control over their data while consolidating many existing privacy and security regulations under one comprehensive law. GDPR marks the most significant changes to EU data privacy legislation in 20 years, and Visit Orlando is proud to support it.
What rights does the GDPR give me?
The GDPR gives EU individuals rights to their personal data. There are some exceptions/exemptions to the rights granted by the GDPR, but in general it includes rights to:
- Request access to the data we store about you
- Request updates/changes to your personal data
- Request the deletion of your personal data
- Take your personal data to a new service
- Request we limit our collection and use of your personal data (e.g., opt out of being tracked)
You can expect that Visit Orlando as a company will work to protect the privacy of your personal data, will only collect the data when we have a reason to do so, and will delete your personal data once we no longer have a need for it
What we are doing
Like all reputable companies who do business with EU citizens, Visit Orlando implemented a company-wide GDPR compliance strategy prior to May 25, 2018. Initiatives we have undertaken to satisfy GDPR requirements include:
- Publishing an updated EU/EEA Privacy Policy that went into effect on May 25, 2018.
- Require sub-processors that handle our users' personal data to adhere to applicable data management, security, and privacy standards required under GDPR.
- Ensuring Visit Orlando staff members who access and process our customers' personal data maintain the confidentiality and security of that data.
- Committing to GDPR requirements governing privacy and security measures.
What data do you process about me?
Visit Orlando processes customers' personal data to provide services, as well as for other specific purposes described in our Privacy Policy.
How do I request access to my data? How do I request changes?
To learn what personal data Visit Orlando has stored about you, please contact us with your request using the following document:
Subject Access Request Document
You are not required to use the document provided above, but all subject requests should be submitted in writing and require proof of identity. Should you wish to request changes to your stored data after reviewing it, please submit a follow-up request and we will work with you to process the changes to your satisfaction.
Does Visit Orlando sell or share my personal data?
Visit Orlando does not sell private personal information to third parties. However, we will in select cases share non-personal data with third-party advertisers.